
IOM Libya COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan

IOM Libya COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan

IOM Libya aims to contribute to the overall objective of the IOM COVID-19 Global Preparedness and Response Plan to halt further transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak. All planned activities are in line with the Global HRP and the IASC Interim Guidance on COVID-19 with focus on persons deprived of liberty.

IOM believes that preparedness and response plans need to be responsive to population mobility and cross-border dynamics, and that inclusive approaches which take into account migrants, travellers, displaced populations, and local communities, and counter misinformation that can lead to anti-migrant sentiment and xenophobia are essential in the event of an outbreak.

Efforts are initially focused on preparedness and response, but IOM keeps the need for mitigating the social-economic impact of the pandemic in mind through incorporating elements of social cohesion programming throughout.

With this Preparedness and Response Plan, IOM Libya aims to contribute to the government of Libya and national health partners preparedness and response efforts for COVID-19 to reduce associated morbidity and mortality and prepare for and address the crosscutting humanitarian needs of migrants impacted by COVID-19.


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SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities